Friday, July 24, 2009

More clues

I went back to the house and did some more investigating. I have some more clues no thanks to those policeman. They probably smudged all the fingerprints! Anyway, let me tell you what happened:

Okay, I rang the doorbell, and this time Zach, Mrs. Hopson's 18 year old son, answers the door. He took me to the bathroom, and I started looking around. I looked in all the drawers, and observed every inch of everything in there, except for the clothes Mrs. Hopson had put in her dirty clothes basket by the sink. I did look in her jewelry box though. I found two braclets, five necklaces, and just about a million rings! I searched every inch of that room, but found nothing. There was no sign of a break in, but some people are careful not to leave their tracks. Then it accured to me. What if the ring had fallen into the drain of the sink! With permission and supervision, I opened the pipes and examined. It wasn't anywhere in there, but then again, I couldn't see much. I gave up for that day. I had a busy day earlier, cleaning the house, going to a friend's house, trying to find the ring. I'm hoping to find it tomorrw.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Watching the Police

Okay, I went back to the Hopson house. I noticed the police cars as I was taking a walk and decided to walk in their front yard. Actually, I was spying on the Hopson house from the top of a tree in our front yard and before the police even got to her house I climbed out of the tree, and took cover under a bush below the window of the crime scene (the bathroom). I had already picked that spot out last night so I could listen in on the conversations. I had been there 5 minutes and was starting to get bored already when I heard a very interesting conversation.

Policeman: So what did you do before you took a shower?

Mrs. Hopson: Well, I got my clothes out and carried them to the bathroom, I took off my ring and laid it down beside the clothes, and took my shower.

Policeman: Are you sure you set it down beside the clothes?

Mrs. Hopson: As sure as I am wearing blue jeans.

Policeman: Mrs. Hopson, you are wearing Khaki.

Mrs. Hopson: Umm.. Yes well.

That was all I got to hear because a policeman found me and told me it wasn't polite to listen on people's conversations. I told him I was playing hide and go seek, but he wouldn't buy it. So this means I have to go again tomorrow to Mrs. Hopson's house. Oh, boy.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update on the Hopson house

Sorry I haven't written in so long. I got grounded. Not for being in the Hopsons' house though. Let me go back to the beginning.

I rode my bike what would have taken me 35 steps to the Hopson household. I rang the doorbell at exactly 9:04 on the dot. Mrs. Hopson answered the door and let me inside. I asked her to take me to the last place she saw her ring. She took me to the bathroom and pointed to the counter. She said, "I put my ring right there before I took my shower. I took a fifteen minute shower, or was it 10, anyway. When I got out of the shower, my ring was gone!" I thought this over a few minutes, and then I decided to act it out. I walked out of the bathroom and then back in. On my left was a shower with a clear glass door, but had a texture so you couldn't see through. Next to it was the toilet with a blue fuzzy lid cover. Then, directly in front of you was the counter with two sinks and 8 drawers. First thing I did was "take off" my ring and set it down on the counter. Then I stepped into the shower, but left the door open and didn't turn on the shower. We waited there 15 minutes and nothing happened. "Well, thank you for trying Aly," Mrs. Hopson said sadly, "but I don't think you are going to find it." "But I'm not even finished!" I tried to explain, but Mrs. Hopson cut me off. "I have somewhere to go and so you need to leave. The police will be here tomorrow and they will search." And so that was that. How did I get grounded? I snuck right back into the house after she left of course. Just like any good detective would do. And you know what, she had forgotten her purse, came back to get it, found me, called my mom and got me grounded. I have to go now before Chad, my little brother, catches me on the computer. Bye!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

meet me!

Hi! My name is Aly, short for Alyssa, and I am a detective! That's right. I solve mysteries. I already have my first case. Mrs. Hopson, our next door neighbor, has just lost her ring. Not just any ring though, no, no. It's her wedding ring! That's right. The most precious ring you can ever get in adulthood. Mrs. Hopson thinks someone might have stolen it since there have been reports or burglary in the neighboring city. I'm going to check it out tomorrow. Mrs. Hopson doesn't see how a little girl can solve a case like this, and I don't either, but since I'm a big girl, I can handle these things. Mrs. Hopson is calling the police, but they won't be able to come until the day after tomorrow. They have been helping the other city search for the criminals. Oops! Gotta go! Mom is coming and she thinks I'm doing my homework. Bye!! Oh, Hi, mom!